The “Sunday Scaries” – Kiss Them Good-bye!

In a scene from the movie “Kate and Leopold,” the character Kate bemoans the arrival of Sunday, literally as the clock chimed at 12:00 a.m. As she put it, “I wish it weren’t Sunday… Sunday is the day before I go to work, so it’s poisoned.” A recent study revealed that many people suffer a sense of letdown and anxiety as Sunday night approaches – labeled the “Sunday Scaries”. I’d like to offer a few suggestions to overcome Sunday Scaries and deny them the chance to rob you of any part of your Sunday. The most effective way to change your attitude and overcome them for good is meditation – just five minutes can make a big difference! I’ll give you some ideas on that below. 

A journal cover with days of the week with the weekend represented by the word "blink"

Here’s a little about meditation, and a few things you can try during your day. 

Meditation: It’s simply the best and most effective thing you can. Start your Sunday with a few minutes of meditation and you could banish the Sunday Scaries. If you don’t meditate, you can get start with a breathing exercise to relax your mind and breath, and a guided meditation, available at my Resources page. You can also try a mantra meditation, for ex., using “Aum” as your mantra (a word or phrase repeated to help quiet your mind). Sit with your back straight, place your attention at the point between your eyebrows, and mentally repeat Aum over and over again. It will calm you. If/when your mind wanders (it’s part of being human), gently and without judgment or upset, return your attention to the point between your eyebrows. Try this for five minutes if you can. If you can only mange a few minutes, start with that. What’s important is that you are willing to meditate. 

17 Seconds to Shift Your Energy: You can shift your energy from negative to positive simply by thinking of positive things for at least 17 seconds. It can be things about your favorite vacation spot, your loved ones, puppies, indoor plumbing, whatever makes you happy. It’s been proven that this will make a difference.

Gratitude: Try a “gratitude rampage.” Go through a mental list of things that you are thankful for, and do this for at least 17 seconds (28 is also suggested). Think a la the classic song “My Favorite Things” with “raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens, bright copper kettles, and warm woolen mittens.” It does work – and not just in the movies!

Create Pleasant Routines: Make time to do something that feeds your soul, brings you Joy, and helps you reconnect with your inner peace (yes, it is there!  Trust me). Creating pleasant routines for your Sundays – perhaps in the afternoons or early evening – can change your perspective on Sundays. Carve time out of your day to step away, at least a little, from the frenetic pace of life and make time to relax and do something you enjoy. Try cooking an early supper, going for a hike, watching a favorite or classic movie, reading that book you’ve meaning to read – even if it’s one chapter each Sunday. 

If you find yourself resisting, thinking you don’t have the time to relax, think again. You deserve this. Remember, even God rested on the seventh day! You should carve out some time for yourself and your loved ones to slow down a little. What is more important than your peace of mind? It can make a difference in your week, as well as your Sunday.

You Are the Thinker: Remember that you are the thinker, you are not your thoughts.  You have the power to change and to choose thoughts.   Are you apprehensive about work in the coming week?  Don’t be like Kate and think of your work as “poisoning” her week. Don’t get dragged down into negativity. 

Begin by sitting in a quiet place and practice a simple breathing exercise or relaxation exercise. (If you need a suggestion, click here.) After that, take a few minutes to think about what you dread in the week ahead, whether it’s work, school, or anything else. Whatever it is, visualize it and picture it going smoothly, with a positive outcome. Picture the other people involved as cooperative and engaged. Picture yourself approaching the situation with confidence and ease. Then let it go and don’t do your best not think of it again. Tell yourself you already took care of it. Think of something else.

rattan placement set with dinner plate knapkin flatware and a note that says LOVE

Positive Affirmations: Try a positive affirmation to change your thoughts. Here’s one from Affirmations for Self-Healing by J. Donald Walters: “I hold my thoughts up to the calmness within; in calmness I receive inspiration from my higher Self.” You can repeat affirmations anytime, mentally or aloud, but it’s more effective to repeat an affirmation after meditation.

I hope this helps you banish the Sunday Scaries and replace them with Peace, Calm, and many good things!

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