Think You’re Too Busy to Meditate? Think Again

Just Five Minutes a Day

Most of us feel overscheduled.  In the midst of a pandemic, when our routines have changed significantly, we feel time goes too quickly and it’s too hard to find time to meditate. We still have the sense that we don’t have enough time.  We feel that the demands are our time are endless.  It leaves us feeling unhappy, exhausted, frustrated, and anxious. Not having enough time – or more correctly, believing that we don’t have enough time – is a major obstacle for people to begin a regular practice of meditation.  Please think again.

Just five minutes of meditation will make a difference in your day.  Really.  This is especially true if you meditate as you start your day.  A few minutes of meditation will reset your nervous system for the day.  You will start the day from a much calmer place  – and that calm will shift the way you proceed through your day.  The time you invest in meditation will be made up (and then some) during the day because you’ll be more centered, calm, and better focused. I am serious – just five minutes a day makes a big difference.

Five Minutes to Calm...

We may think we can’t meditate because of incessant mental chatter.  Mental chatter is a normal part of being human. We may find ourselves too restless to sit, even for five minutes. The solution is sitting in the correct posture (see below) – and you don’t have to sit cross-legged on the floor! Yet in this seeming chaos, however, is the time we need to access the peace and calm that we crave, sometimes desperately.

Chances are you can find a way to make five minutes for yourself.  It may take a little experimenting to figure out exactly what time of day works best for you. I suggest first thing in the morning before you start the “to-do” lists.  It can be much harder to sit once you’ve begun.  Meditation at the end of the day helps you to  release all the events of the day.  You can even try both. No pressure, though. Start with five minutes – and if you can’t sit for five minutes, try two.

Once you find what works,  make it a routine.  That makes it easier for your mind and body to get into the groove of meditating. If a routine isn’t possible for you now, just seize those five minutes wherever you find them.

The point is:   Meditating for five minutes a day can change your life. Meditation can improve your mood and your focus, reduce your blood pressure, slow your respiration, improve your relationships, improve your sleep, reduce anxiety, and much more.

Simple Meditation Instructions

Find a quiet place to sit. Relax your body; take a few deep breaths; sit quietly, with your back straight (this is key), your hands at the juncture of thighs and abdomen, and eyes closed.  Focus on your breath as you inhale and exhale. Raise your attention to the point between your eyebrows (don’t cross your eyes) and keep your attention there.  Don’t engage with thoughts as they cross your mind. You can come back to them in five minutes. If you’re worried about time, use your cell phone as an alarm. Doesn’t get much easier than that.

Enjoy your five minutes a day!  it is one of the best things you can do for yourself!  You deserve it, and I’m sure you will be happy with the results.

Thanks for reading!

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